I fell in love with the art of Mystique by Dessi Desu as soon as I saw it, and wanted to make it right away!

I painted my neck & face using a mix of blues from Mehron Paradise makeup, everything below the neck is a bodysuit I made. I have been getting a lot of questions about this bodysuit due to the built in boobs, so here’s the deal: I wanted to come up w a great way to do this & share it, but it’s a hot mess. I made 3 bodysuits, using different things for boobs in an effort to avoid painting my body & getting it all over the white fabric whenever I wore this. I finally used thermoplastic as a boob-base. There are multiple seams in the spandex on the boobs, but I managed to get them at least where they are covered with the fabric drapes. But really, it’s a frankenstien mess under there, so it’s something that I’m going to keep working on. I opted for a deeper scarlet red wig over primary red…I think bright looks great in art & comics, but when translated to life I prefer a subdued red on Mystique. Mesh lenses, I’m not comfortable putting in full sclera lenses. My jewelry & crown is foam w spandex over it, hundreds of crystals glued on.

Based on art by @dessi_desu & pic by RobSomers Photo!



Winter Fawn